This is exactly the sort of show that makes history exciting to kids
15 November 2008
I am a history teacher and have long felt that most history books and shows do a lot to kill any interest in history in kids. After all, too often they are packed full of irrelevant details and are devoid of interesting tidbits and excitement. It's as if there's a consensus that history MUST be boring and be taken like medicine! It's in light of this that I say that "The Worst Jobs in History" series is a wonderful breath of fresh air. In this lovely short series, Tony Robinson ("Baldrick" from the "Black Adder" TV series) takes us on an unforgettable journey through the ages as he explores the utterly disgusting and dangerous jobs done by the common people. In fact, as history often ignores these common folk, the series also does a great job of making history about people--not just kings and presidents.

I've shown a couple episodes to teens and all of them loved it and paid complete attention throughout. When the shows finished, many asked if I would show them more! That's the sort of thing kids need--to feel a hunger for history and disgusting history is just as valid and important as any other type of history.

Wonderfully made and fascinating throughout. While not always great to watch on a full stomach, the show can't be beat when it comes to making history interesting to kids.
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