Review of Dom

Dom (1959)
14 November 2008
House (1958)

** (out of 4)

Another animated/still photograph film is a rather strange mixture and the first short from the directors that I haven't really enjoyed. I'd be lying if I said I knew exactly what was going on in this thing but I believe it's about a person feeling trapped within their world. I'm guessing at this because of the early animated sequences, which features confined items structured within a house. The second half of the short features more stuff along the lines of the still photographs where we see some rather sad individuals. I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed this more had I known for certain what was going on but for most of the running time I just found the narrative boring and I wasn't even that entertained by the visuals. I wouldn't call this film lazy but I didn't find it as interesting as others from the director.
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