Werewolf: To Dream of Wolves: Part 2 (1988)
Season 1, Episode 26
The return of Alamo Joe Rogan, the end of Skorzeny & pretty much the end of the series.
13 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Werewolf: To Dream of Wolves: Part II starts as evil Werewolves Diane Bathory (Kim Ulrich) & head Werewolf Nicholas Remy (Brian Thompson) phone bounty hunter Alamo Joe Rogan (Lance LeGault) & lets him know the whereabouts of Werewolf Eric Cord (John J. York) after having killed Skorzeny. Rogan goes to the location only to find Eric gone & a couple of dead bodies, the local police are on the case. Meanwhile Eric heads straight back to Remy's house to confront him & the traitorous Diane but can he handle both on his own & finally rid himself of the Werewolf curse he has lived with for so long?

Episode twenty six from the one & only season of Werewolf this originally aired in the US during February 1988, the second & final part of the two parter To Dream of Wolves this was directed by James Darren & sees the very final appearance of Skorzeny (though a flashback & footage used from a previous episode) the bad guy of the series. With Skorzeny killed & out of the way the main bad guy baton for the series is handed over to the 2,000 year old Nicholas Remy who becomes the originator of the Werewolf bloodline & the one Eric must now kill to rid himself of the curse. To Dream of Wolves is pretty straight forward actually, apart from introducing Remy in a long dialogue scene between him & Eric not that much actually happens in To Dream of Wolves: Part II. Skorzeny & Remy are both very different sorts of villains, Skorzeny used his power regardless & was rather lower class than the educated well tailored Remy who happens to be a professor moving into politics since he is a power junkie. Nice. They are also physically different with Skorzeny tall & willowy while Remy looks more like a pro wrestler or heavyweight boxer. I guess the makers wanted a strong & distinct contrast. We still never found out who the mime artist from Part 1 was or his relevance as he is killed by Eric at the start of Part II & gets taken away in a body-bag by the cops! This episode also sees the return of bounty hunter Alamo Joe Rogan having not featured for several episodes.

One of the few episode where Eric doesn't change into a Werewolf but Remy does, there's not much gore but there is a slashed throat to be seen. Apparently there was a real life Nicholas Remy who was a member of the notorious Spanish Inquisition & there is indeed a flashback in this episode where Remy is seen as one. So after Skorzeny was named after a Vampire in a film Nicholas Remy gets named after a real life torturer, cool eh? The two To Dream of Wolves episodes have been very well shot with good production values & that great 80's horror film vibe. The complete lack of CGI computer effects in these episodes & indeed the whole series is also nice. As usual with regard to Werewolf I am also impressed with the photography which is very atmospheric & moody.

To Dream of Wolves: Part II is better than Part 1 I suppose, just about. The odd subplot with the mime artist guy that seems put in there at random is just, well, odd. The hunt for Skorzeny ends, the hunt for Remy begins but is it worth following...
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