Masters of Horror: Homecoming (2005)
Season 1, Episode 6
Masters Of Horror: Homecoming (Joe Dante, 2005) **1/2
10 November 2008
Tolerable but only middling political satire (some time back I'd watched Dante's interesting THE SECOND CIVIL WAR [1997], also made for TV) which also manages to provide a twist on the typical zombie lore: American soldiers being killed in the current senseless war rise from the dead at the time of the oncoming elections to vote for a change (its late-night Italian TV screening on the eve of Barack Obama's long-awaited victory couldn't have been a coincidence)!! Its depiction of a person willing the dead back to life had been handled rather more stylishly in Bob Clark's DEATHDREAM (1974); Dante's film does have an effectively ironic revelation late in the game, but it's somewhat undone by the overbearing personality of the leading lady! As ever with Dante, in-jokes abound with respect to the names shown on the various gravestones: these obviously include such directors of zombie-related fare as John Gilling, Jacques Tourneur and G. A. Romero (the IMDb actually lists several others but I missed them somehow)!
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