Vampires (1998)
It delivers what it advertises
9 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Vampires isn't a terrific movie but it is able to rise above and be more than just a B movie film about Vampires. The main thing separating this picture from that forgotten direct-to-video film is that it gets a better cast and director than it really deserves. John Carpenter may not be at the top of his 'Halloween' game but he is still able to do what he has all ways done best, create a heightened sense of fear and atmosphere. Vampires does have some blood and gore but it doesn't cover the walls,it's ability to use these fun and quirky characters is the draw. James Woods is that main character, Jack Crow. Crow leads a Vatican approved group of Vampire slayers who have met their match in the form of Valek, the very first bloodsucker. Jack's crew is brutally killed and he and his partner Montoya are the only two left standing. He rebuilds his crew with Katrina who is linked to Valek throuh a bite in her neck.

Woods isn't the actor I would expect to headline this project but he takes the material very seriously. I imagine the opportunity to work with Carpenter is what persuaded him and the two play off of each other's strengths. Carpenter was never someone who was strong in developing heroes for his pictures and James Woods is able to make this Crow stand out. Vampires is a High Noon western horror hybrid and Woods plays Crow as the cowboy with a dash of outlaw in him. The plot of Valek looking to find this crucifix isn't all that fun or new but the journey is.

I guess the problem I have with this film is that it doesn't really have villains. These vampires aren't interesting or eloquent and they let other people do the talking for them. Valek gets some dialouge but it is little more than the filler "You'll never get me." I guess I kind of wanted a Bela Lugosi who could wouldn't lose his battle to Crow in a fistfight. The follower Vampires are mindless drones meant to merely snarl. This isn't fun because it really just makes this an action film. Carpenter loves the Westerns but some of the fun of the Westerns was who the villain was.
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