Desecration (1999)
The bits that do work just never really come together
3 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Supernatural horror film about a young boy who's mother dies suddenly on his birthday. Years later a chain of events beginning with the death of a nun spirals him downward into the pit of hell. Mixed bag horror film that is has some really great images and a sense of things being really off that are under cut by a lack of budget (The death by model plane that starts everything is laughable as are some of the other deaths) and performances that aren't all there, with some of the cast seeming to have come from who ever was around that day. Its one of those films that almost works but falls just short so seems more like a missed opportunity then something you actually will want to sit through. To be fair those who don't mind trying films that don't work as a whole in order to see spooky imagery will want to give it ago for the bits that do work.
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