Review of Saw V

Saw V (2008)
Someone just killed the golden egg laying goose.
24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures...what the crap! I'm offended.

"Saw V: What happened?" Did you run out of money? Listen...I realize it's just a movie. But when you have the four before it and you set a certain expectation, there is just no excuse for what we just sat through. I have seen movies made for $7,000 that had more substance than one single frame of this movie.

  • Score was mostly reused from 3 and 4. When you could hear it at all.

  • Unrivaled pacing problems.

  • There were massive technical problems. Looks like the digital intermediate never got finished.

  • Better than 80% of the movie is just reaction shots with no dialog. People standing around staring at stuff and each other. The other 20% is Straham SAYING THE PLOT OUT LOUD.

  • Speaking of which, this movie was very short. Am I correct when I guess that there were somehow massive problems with the movie and you guys went back and added Straham infodumping the plot and just took out the action and replaced it with dialogue-less reaction shots because there wasn't time to do anything else? - Did that include editing out the third act in its entirety? - Did you guys hold the Saw IV special edition DVD until after this movie was released so you could recoup losses from this movie because people will be so angry about 5 that they will be GLEEFUL to buy 4 on DVD? - Did you re-edit it in such a way that you knew you were going out on this one so you just tried to make do if you *HAD* to go out like this? - What in God's name happened? How can a movie be messed up this badly? It's have the SAME crew. HOW DO YOU SCREW SOMETHING UP THIS BAD!? Anyways, Saw was fun while it lasted. They just messed up on this one big time. The whole movie is a disaster. We lost half the audience at the midnight screening in the third reel (when nothing was happening on most of the movie).

There was no twist. There was nothing intellectual. Jigsaw said things he would never say. The characters had no arcs, and they would go between being crazy and entirely coherent. Again, there was no third act. The ending was lame.

Normally, people cheer at the end. At our midnight screening, people just looked around and stared each other like it was a joke.

It was the kind of screening that was SO BAD that people called their friends because they had to tell someone how unbelievable it was.

You guys lost me on the Saw franchise. Sorry.

1/10 (It was, after all, at least successfully *PRINTED* to film. The one thing they got right.) AVOID
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