17 October 2008
This was actually a very good movie. The trouble is, it's by Romero, so everyone expects another classic. If this were by a young new director, or just by anyone else, people would like it more.

The annoying thing about Diary of the Dead is the voice-over, which tends to get a bit preachy and repetitive. But still, it raises questions and valid points. Why do people blog and shoot everything with their cell phones? Of all the hip new movies shot with a digital camera, like Cloverfield or REC, this is the least shaky and pretty easy on the eyes. It also shows (as part of the message of the whole movie, I'd say) that anyone can make a movie these days for any amount of money. What's the point of doing a 300 million dollar movie if any talented student can do the same with two cameras? Anyway, this is a zombie movie, so let me get to the bloody point. There's quite a lot of violence, although the headshots and some of the gore are digital, which is a shame and a departure from the great Tom Savini stuff I came to know and love. But still, it's better and far more entertaining than Land of the Dead, so I encourage you all to go for it. Maybe it was because I had low expectations based on the rating, but I really loved this movie. Forget it's by the same person as Night of the Living Dead and just enjoy a new kind of zombie flick that's here to stay. And bite off your arm.

PS: for all people who like "group of people going from A to B and encountering problems" kind of movies, you'll love this
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