Married Life (2007)
Is this really noir?
15 October 2008
I give this movie 6 stars. Art-wise it started out very exciting. When faced with the burden of choosing from a stack of about 15 DVDs last night, this film leaped out at me at once because i really like just about any period piece unless it's very poorly done or very dull. This one was neither, but still somewhat lackluster.

Pierce Brosnan does seem out of place as one reviewer pointed out. Not sure the right haircut would have helped. Moreover, i did not get a sense that any of the characters, with the exception of Rachel McAdams, were of the era. Maybe that's because i'm too young to think anyone talked normally in 1948 but rather, behaved according to my celluloid-biased impression which means more formally, or stiffly, like McAdam's character seems to do. Also, that' what i was expecting with a noir film set in 1948 and what - i think - might have been the intention here. or maybe not.

Most egregiously in my mind: we are not led to understand why such a gorgeous, still quite young Rachel McAdams would go for either of the 2 dessicated old jerks preying upon her. Were all the good younger men killed in the war!? ? Both these men could be her father.

I found the suspense to be pretty good toward the end but then found the ending anticlimactic, since - as previously mentioned - i was expecting more of a classic noir ending replete with a more thrilling ending. Too bad.
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