Review of Camino

Camino (2008)
A missed chance
14 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really sorry for the real family of the girl. They must have been suffering a lot with a movie about his/her daughter and sister which completely distort the reality. If i have had a sister who died, i would like my privacy or at least a movie that respect the truth and my beliefs. I have faith and i can tell the director didn't show catholic faith as it is. Faith helps you to be happy, to understand other beliefs and ways of thinking and behaving. In fact, i and lots of catholic people enjoy our friendship with no believers and learn about each other. It's a pity that the movie distort reality and manipulate it in order to serve to his aim: to "fanatize" which is not. It looks like he's the real fanatic. A pity too.
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