Columbo: A Matter of Honor (1976)
Season 5, Episode 4
Ay Caramba, It's Columbo In Mehico !
14 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Luis Montoya is a famous Mexican bullfighter. When one of his men is gored to death by a bull on his property, a vacationing Lieutenant Columbo is called in to examine the case. Columbo suspects foul play, but what is Montoya's motive ?

This is one of the best remembered Columbo TV-movies, with Montalban the perfect casting as the proud and vain matador Montoya. What I love about so many of these stories is that although they utilise the standard tools of the crime-thriller genre (clues, physical evidence, timelines), they are really about people and human nature. Brad Radnitz' script really asks only one question - why did Montoya do it - and when the answer comes it's obvious, it makes perfect sense, it's grand tragedy, and you can't believe you didn't think of it before. That's great writing, and it's what makes so many Columbo flicks so enjoyable for me. The Mexican setting and cast here are an added treat; a first-rate TV thriller.
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