Review of Hello

Hello (II) (2008)
Tell me if it sounds like I'm hanging up the phone !
13 October 2008
Bummer ! Yes, Bollywood does it yet again, successfully adding one more flop flick to it's "2008 flop-list" and simultaneously increasing the odds in favor of my ever growing thoughts of putting a full stop to viewing their movies whence I'm afraid I must admit, if I don't get a hit and I betcha, I really mean a big hit soon Bollywood won't see my face again with its movies that are no more than a blot of mustard on the shameless faces of the entire crew involved, needless to mention the so called "promisingly huge cast" being used for the greater bad and acceleratingly increasing unrepairable damage being caused, primarily mental, to the blockbuster-expecting viewers inhabiting God's whole green earth who enter the theater happy-face like an expecting mother and come out ruined-face as if the mother just unexpectedly lost her baby whilst causing me no dismay or even a bit of concern as I never enter a theater expecting anything great from Hindi cinema and that is the least I'm asking from you in lieu of this this entire one-sentence review...LOL
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