Kath & Kim (2008–2009)
A Breath of Fresh Air
11 October 2008
Finally, a comedy that is actually funny. The interplay between mother and daughter is right on with a new wrinkle added.... a lot: as they argue one will stop and verbally admire something about the other's wardrobe or some such, and then they go back to the argument. Very clever. No malice intended and I like that.

There is a basic honesty in the writing and this produces funny lines. And, Kim's facial expressions are very good too and say a lot.

As for Kath, she has the Barbara Stanwick sort of style and even resembles Stanwick somewhat. Or Tea Leone, take your pick. Let's go with Stanwick.

Just hope the good stuff doesn't bogg itself down like many sitcoms that seem to need the weepy stuff once in a while. We are hoping to have a comedy and we don't need the weepy stuff.
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