Funny at times, yes, but still difficult to watch without anger
11 October 2008
Originally, due to a deep and endless hatred of Fred Phelps and his congregation, I didn't think I would be able to watch this film without punching a hole through the TV or tearing my hair from my head. But, I was in a good mood (which I increased more by a few pints of Boddington's), so I figured I should give it a watch and see if I can get through it.

Funnily enough, I don't think I even needed a mood boost. While, yes, the Phelps are a truly despicable and condemnable family and Fred Phelps is one of the few men that I would personally no problem wishing death upon, British journalist Louis Theroux presents these horrible people in such a way that seamlessly blends their disgusting hatred with some smooth and hilarious humour.

Regardless of the humour and comedy that is sewn into the film, it is difficult to watch (especially to those who vary from their opinions. . . which is about 99.8% of people I've met) and takes some self-control to handle the issues. Theroux does a fantastic job of fairly allowing the Phelps family to speak their minds about the issues without seeming smug or mean, and makes it clear that while is obviously against their message, he wants them to have a fair chance to express themselves.

To anyone looking for an interesting documentary, regardless of your views, I highly suggest this one.

Final Verdict: 9/10

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