worst one of the 3 in my opinion - possible spoiler
10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Part 1, and I couldn't wait for Part 2, and when I heard there was a Part 3 coming out, I was actually counting down the days until the release of the movie but I will say I was very disappointed with this movie, out of the 3 of them, I think it was the worst one first of all, it seems a lot like the first 2, when Daniel comes across someone trying to hurt him and good old Mr. Myagi comes to the rescue, but he hardly does much in this movie - for instance, in the scene when Mike Barnes, Snake and Dennis come into the Bonsai Shop, all of a sudden, Mr. Myagi appears out of nowhere (how he got past the oncoming train is anyone's guess), and all he does is grab Mike's hands, forces them behind his neck and kicks him in his rear-end The only good fight that he did was in the Cobra Kai's dojo against Terry and John Kreese, and he didn't even do much in that fight. All he did was throw Terry into the mirror and then at the end, in the tournament scene, Mike Barnes is standing there in the ring shouting all kinds of offensive comments to Daniel, as if that would ever have been allowed, and then after totally pulverizing him, Daniel does some type of Kata and of course, he just grabs Mike's arm, throws him in a somersault and then chops him in the back, and then gets the point and wins, and Terry literally throws in the towel (or actually he throws up the shirt into the crowd) if this were a real tournament, even though Mike Barnes didn't win the tournament, he won second place, and people would have still been interested in learning karate at his school I think a better ending would have been if Daniel had lost the fight and then realized that winning is not everything and he went on with his life and continued with his karate, or maybe they could have had a part 4 where he would have come back for a rematch a year later after having more training
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