Documentary that pulsates with excitement! "A Life In The Death..."indeed!
6 October 2008
Extremely funny, amazingly sad, informative, comprehensive, creative, and, most importantly, smashingly entertaining! Despite waiting an excruciating hour on a sold out queue at the Raindance Film Festival, the raw energy of the film and the delicate poignancy that was delivered more than made up for the extremely uncomfortable delay.

The filmmakers deliver a rich tapestry of a time and place where the qualities that comprised an individual were silenced and shoved underneath the carpet. Quite a different world from what exists today where personal freedoms and personal expressions have open global forums such as MySpace and Facebook.

A film both heartbreaking and hilarious and a magnificent entry point for those (such as I) who'd never heard of Joe Meek before. The overall production, by seemingly a half-handful of individuals is quite slick for such a low-fi approach; the music and graphics are alternately amusing and triumphant and the shrewd, lightening-paced editing wrings the strongest audience reaction out of every word from its consistently personable cast. Obviously a lot history, technical information and emotions for the filmmakers to tackle in a mere 2 hours running time, but the viewer feels enlightened, enriched and inspired by the end.

Looking forward to seeing this again at some point under less arduous conditions!
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