Hits All the Low-Budget Space Movie Clichés
4 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While not a complete dud, "Space Monster" (or whatever it's called) is about as cliché-ridden as a movie can get. It has everything:

Steel-jawed, serious commander; mission slacker-guy who sacrifices himself; one woman on board, and she's pretty and a scientist; old pro astronaut who gives sage advice; just awful aliens; military and scientific guys waiting anxiously back on earth; and ultra low-budget special effects.

The plot is the usual "Let's go to another planet and look for life" plot, with an encounter with a strange spaceship and a recycled (from 1964's "Wizard of Mars") alien. The alien, who communicates by sticking out his tongue, is destroyed, and the intrepid band eventually lands in what appears to be a giant aquarium. The crew fights off some sort of gill-monster, and a giant crab, then heads for home.

The film is given some life by Francine York (who fills out a space suit pretty well), and by some good dialogue and direction. The rest of the cast is pretty good. The special effects and monsters are so laughable that they're almost entertaining. Try to watch this late at night when you're not feeling very demanding.
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