It is one of the most gripping films to have ever handled sexual obsession
3 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"In the realm of Senses" is so wonderfully plotted and expertly acted that it almost has a dream-like effect… It's an erotic fantasy turned nightmare… It is the story of a sexual relationship between a young Japanese couple… At first lustful and erotic, they can't get enough… However, their experiments in sensationalism end in tragedy…

The film is flavored with strange yet genuinely humorous moments… For example, an older lady chance upon the lovers, and—for the fun of it—the young man initiates a ménage à trois… The incident proves to be so exhilarating that the old woman dies from exhaustion... The scene is played with such vivacity and intensity that—despite the fatal outcome—it does have a strange humorous overtone to it…

Director Nagisa Oshima developed with great care all the minor details of this affair without ever becoming overbearing or intending to teach...
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