This movie was terrible. The worst I've seen in a while.
29 September 2008
This movie was terrible. The worst I've seen in a while. The acting was OK; I'm pretty sure if you read the book, it's a good story. However, but the dialogs were so lackluster, so uninteresting. They made me wonder how could the characters connect with so little communication. They were short, superficial, trivial and dry.

The storyline was very predictable. Ms. Lane's acting was very good, as usual; and Gere's as unimpressive as expected. I guess he'll be around as long as his good looks sell tickets. :(

For the first time in years I actually considered getting up and leaving the theater.

I'd say the only memorable thing about the movie was the location. The landscape was incredible. It's a place that definitively deserves some exploring/enjoying.

I felt I wasted my time/money.

If you want to watch it, wait till it's on TV. Not even worth the rental money!
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