Not flight of the Phoenix, but for it's budget a very good movie
25 September 2008
I believe this was one of the old movies bought up by Ted Turner as part of the MGM library he bought some years ago. I have a copy on VHS tape from a late night run on Turner's TNT network.

It is without doubt that the movie was shot on a tight budget. For instance we only see the plane crash from a head on inside view of the plane. You could even tell that at impact not all of the actors lurched forward at the same time. When they find the German tank it's hull machine gun is gone and only a hole exists in the hull were it used to be. The machine gun they use is located in the turrent and they have no ammunition for the main gun. It is doubtful that even if they could get the engine running that the wheels and track would move since the grease would have dried up years before. But in spite of these budget/story shortcomings the movie is pretty good overall. I felt the cast did as good a job as possible all things considered. Overall I would rather watch this low budget movie from the early 50's then many of the low budget movies cranked out today using computer generated special effects which also seem to substitute for decent acting and an original storyline.
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