Review of Death

South Park: Death (1997)
Season 1, Episode 6
Marks the debut of Terrence and Philip
24 September 2008
Death is the sixth episode of South Park.It's a very funny episode and marks the debut of the foul-mouthed canadians Terrence and Philip.The episode spoofs what happened when South Park first came out, with angry parents rioting.Kyle's mom sees Terrence and Philip, bans all the other kids from watching the show and gets a bunch of parents to try and take the show off the air.Funny thing about it is, while they are blaming the show for fart-jokes, the parents make fart-jokes themselves when they all find themselves with diarrhea(courtesy of Kenny).Meanwhile, Stan's grandpa is 102 years old and wants Stan to kill him.Stan is worried about helping his grandpa die and is hesitant to do it.Eventually he agrees to(after grandpa shows him how he feels, by playing crappy music) and Death comes along.However Death does not want to kill grandpa.Death is a great episode! Kyle's mom trying to ban terrence and philip would later be used as the plot for the South Park movie.
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