Insulting melodrama threaded out by the stupidity of main character
21 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, a 7.8 on IMDb? My wife and I got roped into this from a fairly interesting summary: A woman losing her sight turns her reality into musical numbers as her life spins out of control. Little did we know that every single awful thing that happens to her is because of her own stupidity.

Actually, I can't blame the character - I think she was losing her mind along with her sight (it's the only explanation for her moronic behavior) - but I sure as heck blame the director. NO ONE acts like this Bjork character. Covering up for the guy who stole your kids eye surgery money because he made you promise not to tell anyone about his money problems? Even when you are on trial for his murder? Even when he begged you to kill him because he's a scum who steals from a blind woman? PREPOSTEROUS. I would've made the leap of illogic if she would've sprouting wings and flew into the air. But this? Come on!

This has to be one of the most insulting movies to the intelligence of film audiences everywhere. All that was lacking from the forced emotional suffering of this character was having her dog get run over by a car because she forgot to put on the hand-brake or something. There was no dog but I really don't know why the director didn't throw that cheap-shot in as well. Something to do with Animal Cruelty laws in Europe or something? It's the only explanation.

Blech, I just had to vent something about this awful film but I refuse to go deeper. I think a quick scan of some other comments will provide you with a body of evidence to avoid this one. The one star reviews are the only legitimate entertainment you'll get out of this disaster.
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