Oddly enough - it made me laugh!
11 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this DVD in a pack (3 films on one disc) for some spare change. I didn't expect much and also didn't get much. But it did make me laugh every now and again.

Amasingly enough, I laughed at some of the jokes too - not just at the movie.

In fact, I have to say, in this movie I saw something I though as original. A joke I haven't seen or heard anywhere else, nor did I think of anything like it. And it is not easy to find something like that, with as many comedies I've seen so far. This was something I really liked about this movie. It showed me something fresh - even though it was already very old.


The Samurai is making a brew. The sheriff asks: "What are you making?" "It old Japanese recepy. This make you not sleep and not think of food." Sheriff: "You've got something there that will take my mind off of hunger? Give it here!" The sheriff drinks it and starts moaning really badly. The Samurai jumps up and said: "Now you no can sleep, now you no want food. You got toothache!"

Or something like that (it's not a transcript, but the point of the joke).
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