Review of Rodan

Rodan (1956)
Faster than the speed of sound.
3 September 2008
Rodan was Toho's first color monster film. It is a great movie starring one of Toho's most famous monsters.

Rodan begins in a village that has a mining colony. Soon giant insects appear(meganuron) and terrorize the village. A man named Kenji goes after the giant insects but disappears in the mining tunnels. Later he is found again but his memory is shot and he is unable to speak, even to his girlfriend Yumi. Airplanes begin to experience problems when they are destroyed by a mysterious flying object that travels faster than the speed of sound. Kenji, after watching his girlfriends bird hatch, begins to remember what he saw in the mining tunnels. He saw a giant egg hatch into a flying reptile from the prehistoric age and devour several of the giant insects. Thus it is believed that it is this species, Rodan, that is responsible for the attacks on the airplanes. Soon not one, but two Rodan emerge and begin to attack Japan. Nothing seems to stop them as they create terrible wind storms and sonic booms and shockwaves that leave Japan in rubble.

Rodan is easily one of the best Toho Films ever. I love how the threat of the giant insects disappears as Rodan hatches and devours them all. There is a lot of tension that builds up as the audience wonders why Kenji can not remember anything and as airplanes are mysteriously destroyed.

Rodan is one of my favorite Toho Monsters, especially from this film. His immense wingspan, high speed flying, armormed hide, and awesome roar all make him one of the most easily recognizable monsters ever. Other than Godzilla's roar I think that Rodan's is by far the coolest.

I have an issue with the people who made Rodan's costume in this film. Why on Earth did they make him look so awesome in this film and then in later films (Destroy All Monsters, Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster, Invasion of Astro Monsters) make him look way less cool. Rodan is awesome looking, he has a tooth filled beak and evil looking head. In latter films he has more of a bird like head. Why did they not use this costume over and over and over and over and over? Oh well.

Thats besides the point though. In this film Rodan looks amazing. He flies around so fast causing destruction. This film is similar in style to Godzilla King of the Monsters. However while Godzilla is created by nuclear testing's Rodan is just a species of flying reptile that just reappears. The color is very good considering that this is the first Toho MOnster Film to use color.

One complaint that I have is the ending to this film. I do not want to to give too much away but if you thought that Titanic, Old Yeller, or Escape From the Planet of the APes had a sad ending then you have not seen anything yet.(Maybe I am being a little dramatic but this film has probably the most sad ending of any Toho Monster Film.) Be sure to have a box of tissues with you.

You have to see this film. It is Rodan's best moment in a film. Rodan is one of the best Toho Monsters ever and if you watch this film you will begin to realize why.
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