Good Documentary
31 August 2008
Good documentary. Should be watched by anyone thinking about voting for Barak Obama for president in 2008. Obama remains friendly with Bill Ayers the unrepentant terrorist portrayed here. This should open the eyes of some of his supporters as to some of the shady associations that Obama continues to keep. How could the people of the US vote for a man that is friendly with terrorists and racist preachers and felonious slum lords is beyond me. This film just highlights some of the radical thinking and reprehensible actions of a group that Obama apparently doesn't condemn. I don't agree with everything the government does either but if I wanted to protest I would do it in a civilized manner as is accepted here in the US. But to actually carry out bombings and thankfully not killing anyone innocent(except for their own)that is criminal and to be associated with a former yet unrepentant terrorist and still want to be President of the US is not acceptable. Lets hope this November we send a strong message to Obama that his shady associations are not in conformity with holding the highest office of service this country has to offer. Watch this documentary you democrats and beware of your choice in Nov 2008.
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