Silent Light (2007)
Don't.... just don't
27 August 2008
The photo isn't bad, nothing amazing but worth the recognition. That's all the movie's got. It's a ten minute story that wouldn't have been all that great anyway, only it's stretched out over two hours.

I agree not everything needs to hold the rhythm of the MTV generation but I am convinced that everything on screen needs a purpose. I hear it is meant to show "how slowly life moves" in the Mennonite society but there are a thousand ways to show that without turning the movie into this pretentious mental masturbation.

Most of the elements don't do nearly enough to move the story along, nor do they tell us anything significant about the characters who feel superficial and simple. The father is the only character with a little depth. I hope all you fellow writers out there know what a deadly sin that is.

All in all it feels like a pathetic attempt from Reygadas to declare himself a genius, just like his other movies. If you really have nothing better to do, go ahead and watch it. Personally I wish I had spent the time poking my eyeballs instead.
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