I've Got A New Super-8 Camera! Let's Make A Movie!
26 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how accurate my title is, but it fits this piece of schlock pretty well.

I rather like how the person who got credited for "Continuity" at the beginning of the movie doesn't appear to know what the word means. It starts out with zombies attacking two girls in short-shorts in the day time, then sort of decides that the zombies can't come out in the daytime during the rest of the film. At the end of the movie, the zombies simply disappear in the sunlight. Maybe they confused "Continuity" with "Caterer".

The zombie effects didn't blend with the "actors" skin-tones under the makeup.

*does the quote/unquote thing for actors since this movie didn't appear to have any in it*

It was a nice effect to have a live worm on the face of each of the zombies for their close ups. I guess they got the parts for being able to balance the worms on their faces and walk at the same time.

The Hammond organ soundtrack seemed to be made up as the film goes along. You'd think the person playing it would've gotten better as they progressed. It only seemed to get worse.

There's a scene in the movie where you see a tourist with a home movie camera filming the call to worship at a mosque. I'm not sure how they captured him filming with the camera while his sound man is recording the sound for it... unless they found someone else with a Super-8 camera for that scene and asked to borrow their's.

And speaking of camera work...

Much of it was Mr. Cameraman zooming in on a single object, then panning around to another object, then down to another object, then cutting away to a closeup of another object, then jerky camera movement to another object and finally resting upon a Nazi swastika with some dead palm fronds around it. After about the tenth time, you're like, 'Okay, we get it. Let's move on, please!' But you're afraid of them moving on because they don't use tripods or dollies in this; it's all Mr. Cameraman and his ability to run around with his little camera thinking he's every bit as good as the same person using a steady-cam. That queasy feeling you're experiencing isn't terror... it's motion sickness.

And, back to the actors...

NO ONE in this film seemed to be the least bit excited to be IN the film. They're all like, "Would you hurry up? My ride is here. Can I go now?" At least William Shatner and Roger Moore DO something when the camera is on them. They don't spend their time looking drugged up and staring off camera. Roger Moore's got that eyebrow acting thing he does, and Shatner has that... I'm not really sure what it is that he does, but his fans seem to like it so I'm happy for him.

And then there's a Sheik and a British officer during a flashback after the British officer gets killed showing what is supposed to be a German officer years later where the ambush occurred. However, both the Shiek and the British officer are both the same ages in 1981 that they were in 1943 or so. Oh, and the Shiek is the grandfather of the guy who takes over as the star of the movie when the flashback is finally over. Ponce de León apparently was searching for the Fountain of Youth in the wrong continent. I'm glad it wasn't in Florida or we'd have zombie conquistadors attacking Disney World every night; which come to think of it, would probably liven up the festivities quite a bit.
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