The best cartooon out there though not many people give it a chance
25 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The point I should first mention is that if you watch this show without being a cartoon fan of some sort it will not seem like an 8 star show. But for fans if cartoons I will say that this is easily the best although the dialogue is better written in justice league unlimited.

Having tried and hated the 80s cartoon of tmnt I thought I would try the new show. I loved it but could not pinpoint my favorite things until after watching other cartoons of the same ilk. I tried batman: tas and hated it which brings up point one : continuity. Batman had no continuity and was hard to get into; on the other hand, turtles has a good deal of episode to episode continuity and each season slowly builds to a climax and somtetimes a cliffhanger (thankfully not every season). After watching the very good JLU I could point out the other things I like about tmnt the plot and characters. I felt like JLU had very little plot and not very likable main characters (I wish the whole show had starred batman and the question but I digress). In turtles every character except april o' Neil is interesting and some of the standby superhero cartoon characters are given more depth. Such as the goof off(Michelangelo) and the insane government agent (agent bishop). The action is easily better then in any other show though it does get repetitive.

The first season is decent and gets really good in episodes like the search for splinter. Season 2 is a bit disjointed but has some of the best multi parters in the who show (The battle nexus a 4, count em' 4, part episode. One reviewer points to season three as the point at which turtles goes down hill, this isn't true. Season three is largely horrible but has some very good episodes (touch and go, nobody's fool) and a great climax. Best of all is season four. With top notch animation and surprising twists it takes the whole show and my favorite character (Leo) in a great new direction. Even episodes that would be stupid in other seasons work here (cousin Sid, wing and a prayer). Unfortunately what comes after season 4 is lousy. The end of the season leads into ninja tribunal which should be avoided like the plague and Fast forward which is equally bad.

I should stress turtles has the same flaws as many other cartoons. Bad non-plot related episodes, clunky script, a few minor plot holes, and ridiculous science. There is much more I can say for and against it, and I would encourage any fan of cartoons to watch it (and the rent TMNT).
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