Jack Says (2008)
Mike Reid Steals The Show
22 August 2008
I saw this film at the Swansea Bay Film Festival in July - and it's well worth the wait to come to DVD! I'am not gonna tell you what happens - but put it this way Mike Reid steals the show, which seems fitting as it's his last ever film! What a legend. Rula Lenska also plays a gangster in this film - she was in Gypo as a nutter as well so no change there then! The legend Eric Cantona is in there as well! He plays a french philosopher - bet that was his idea. The film is really well acted by everyone, and is gritty underground story of lust and betrayal set between London and Paris - pretty good in my opinion and well worth a watch. Music is catchy, and i have been trying to find out what music they use on the trailer?
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