No, no my dear Misti. I don't want you to serve appetizers. I need you to "be" appetizers.
20 August 2008
We start off Herschell Gordon Lewis' Blood Feast sequel with Miss Louisiana Christina Cuenca screaming her pretty head off as Fuad Ramses III (J.P. Delahoussaye) puts her through a meat grinder. We expect a lighter film, and we are getting it as Delahoussaye is a comedian and brings that to the film.

Oh, why did he have to go to Laci Hundees (Michelle Miller) for the brains and more liver? She was giving us such a fantastic show when he rudely interrupted.

Detective Loomis (John McConnell) is played by another comedian, and we get comic breaks during the investigation.

After a boring examination of the remains of Misty Morning, we quickly go to a lingerie shower for the new bride, Tiffany (Toni Wynne). We stay her a while why all the girls model lingerie and we enjoy them as they change. Two of the girls go off into the other room and we expect some hot action. No, here comes the killer again. Harvest time. And, what does he have in mind for Candi Graham (Jill Rao)? Well, we can watch some dudes tromping through the jungle using the "R" word, or we can bathe ourselves in blood and intestines and lots of boobies, while having a good laugh. Me? I'm going back for seconds, thank you.
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