The Invisible (2007)
Brilliant Movie
15 August 2008
I never got the chance to see this film in theaters in all actuality I never really wanted to watch it the preview made me think it was another one of those campy American horror flicks or something like another Gothika. So here I am today having decided to watch it and man was I surprised. The movie was completely something fresh and new. It was a movie with depth and great characters, both something Hollywood doesn't seem to have these days. It was a well written movie and if you didn't seem to like it and claim it confusing than obviously you don't have the intelligence to understand this kind of movie. Not once in this film was I confused and not once did I feel like my time was wasted. Being a teen film I expected badly of it seeing how most teenie films these days turn out as crap with stereotypical characters and cliché plot lines. This however was just a great film with a mature complex plot. I don't want to give away any of the movie for it has to be seen. So on that note I end this review by saying this was an excellent movie and one I will not forget.
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