Ben X (2007)
Superb acting, interesting story yet with an irk
15 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie at an open air cinema this summer. Never having heard anything of it and having expected another movie I almost skipped it but was talked into giving it a shot. The story started off great, the acting was awesome from the beginning and got ever more convincing, the idea behind the movie is fascinating as well as the story itself is touching. Photography is solid with some nice shots.

-Spoiler below-

However, I was disappointed by the end- not because it was poorly done (it wasn't and it's even important for the over-all perception of the story), but it delivered the feel of a forced happy end - maybe it'd been better to simply stop the movie at a certain point, sacrificing the last bit of the story yet not giving this feeling that everything ended oh so well. I don't say this movie needs a non-happy ending, I only say I felt like it was forced happily. This movie should leave you thinking about yourself and how you deal with people, but this ending gives enough relief to go home and keep the thinking for later (never) without having you sleep badly.
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