Great Film
14 August 2008
First off I'd like to comment that this film though having historical inaccuracies is still a damn good film. It's entertainment not a documentary not once did anyone say this was based on a true story. Also being upset over the central character's turning his back on America shouldn't be so upsetting along with claiming he's against Christianity, um enough with throwing religion into this movie for all we know before the character was imprisoned perhaps he was Jewish instead they never show his religious beliefs at any point during this film.

Onto the film it's a modern day epic and does a better job than most films Hollywood has attempted to throw out. Yes the story is rather cliché and it gets cliché at times but again it's entertainment and it's a film trying to go back to the old day epics. The story is great along with the acting. A well written modern epic that captures what was great about the great films of the past and adds a few newer things to keep it somewhat original. I'd give it a 10 but the lack of originality and the many clichés take it down a notch.
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