Space Chimps (2008)
Good pieces never come together
13 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When a probe is sucked through a worm hole in space to an alien planet three chimps are sent to see what happened to it. In order to sell the mission to the public the grandson of Ham, the first chimp, now a circus performer, in space is sent as one of the astronauts.

Wittily written, decently animated and reasonably acted film that is just okay instead of great. What went wrong? This should have worked. The pieces and the individual scenes all work nicely and are more often then not funny and clever. It's clear that the filmmakers were playing to both to the adults as well as the kids. Come on the reference the video for Addicted to Love.I saw some of this as clips at New York Comicon and was really looking forward to it. All of the pieces are there for a better just doesn't work as a whole. The pieces never fully come together. Its like looking at a puzzle where the pieces come together to for a picture but its not complete because the pieces never quite touch.

I think part of the problem is that they never had a complete idea or story. the earth stuff works, but from the very first alien scene its clear that those scenes are often half formed. Its as if they went before the cameras with a bunch of place holders still in place.

Its great in most of the parts but disappointing over all.(A second viewing may change my mind but as bits this has some of the best writing of the year. The problem its not a satisfying whole.) Worth a look on DVD or cable.- not for the ten bucks a head in theaters.
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