Bad Bad Bad Did I mention that it was Bad
11 August 2008
For as long as I can remember I've been a fan of horror movies, as a child I couldn't get enough it didn't matter if it was a Boris Karloff movie or a Bela Lugosi movie or the earlier Lon Chaney Jr. flicks vampires, mummies, the living dead, werewolves, invisible men or the giant monsters that always seemed to attack Tokyo. And later the low budget remakes even made me smile as well as the alien attacks films from the 50's and on, I'm an equal opportunity movie fan I enjoy both foreign and domestic offerings subtitles don't scare me. But what gets under my skin is the recent offerings from Lions Gate this company floods the market with sub par films and this one is no exception here we are given what I consider is the worst Dracula movie I've ever seen I swore that I would watch the entire movie from beginning to end before deciding where it fit in the long history of Dracula films at least in my mind and while I fell asleep no less than three times during the film and chaptered back and fourth to find where I left off I finally finished watching it and here are my thoughts on this film. When I look at a film I like to consider the cinematography the sets the effects so this takes care of the overall appearance of the film as I see it next I look at the cast their acting if accents are used I like to examine them for authenticity (are they believable) and do the actors fit the roles quite often the casting leaves a lot to be desired as is the case here. As far as the sets most are impressive but I seriously doubt that Dracula would reside in a mausoleum while the marble facade's are impressive I none the less don't believe the whole mausoleum thing in the more historic tellings of the Dracula tale it is a foregone conclusion that most of Draculas castle is in ruins except for a small portion where most of the film takes place in this film Dracula must employ Merry Maids as the floors are spotless and shine like they are brand new, points deducted for shiny floors also in the classic adaptations Dracula has a serious reaction to sunlight, not here he seems capable of standing in front of brightly lit windows with no adverse reaction, once again points deducted for straying from the established path. Acting is for the most part over acted and the accents are in no way believable the story flows like mud and is about as coherent as a fever dream in fact I felt myself slipping into a coma more times than I can count. The movie looks to have been filmed with a video camera and while there are post production processes that can take a movie shot on video and give it the look of film it was not used here and probably would not have helped in the least. What made me laugh is the makeup effects that were used or lack there of the "Lee Press On Nails" worn by Dracula were there in one scene and gone in the next, then on one hand and not the other, and some were missing on one hand in a scene and back again in the next. Yet again more points deducted. In all I was not impressed by this movie and was bored out of my skull once again it gives me a solid basis in my belief that Lions Gate is killing the horror genre off one film at a time. After watching this film my over all opinion is that it is a waste of time and money for all concerned, don't buy it or rent it wait for it to be shown on the Sci-Fi Channel or on cable if there is nothing else on that day or if you have the need to punish yourself for something you did as you will never get the hour and a half back of your life. So in closing all I can say to Lions Gate and the people who made this movie is that "YOUR MOVIE SUCKS"

Ps. To Andrew Brynarski I know you and have talked with you on several occasions and while I like you and get a kick out of you at the conventions you've got to get it together and straighten out dude your on a downward spiral and I'd hate to see it end badly. I really wanted this to be a good movie for you and I know you tried but you've got to shake your demons. Pull it together you made a great Lobo and god only knows who the villain in the next Superman film may be but you totally owned Lobo in that short http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0353672/
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