Heavenly Days (1944)
Wistful vistas of the past
10 August 2008
What's not to like about this movie?

I got to see the McGees in the flesh, I betcha'. I got to see the inside of the famed overstuffed McGee closet. I got to hear McGee sing (and nicely, too) along with The King's Men. I got to see some touching tributes to the WWII efforts: rationing, keeping lips zipped, giving up seats for soldiers, tending Victory Gardens, caring for war refugees. I got to hear and see Molly doing her Teeny voice. There was even some neat special effects when Fibber talks to himself in the form of a Revolutionary War flutist.

Yah, maybe it's a little corny and overly sentimental but mostly in charming ways. The signs of racial inequality are as present here as in practically any other movie from the 40's. The plot is flimsy and strains credulity at times, but not unbearably so. Despite its flaws, it's a must-see for any fan of the radio show--especially those who've only *heard* the McGees in action.
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