Ratatoing (2007 Video)
It rivals those of pixar
1 August 2008
A pure magnanimous plethora of brilliance is not even a fraction of what comes to mind when I look back at the night my eyes were graced upon the asphyxiating beauty of Ratatoing. It's true other people would rather prefer "Ratatouille", a steaming pile of rip-off that rolled off the Pixar conveyor belt last summer, suspiciously around the same era that was enlightened by Ratatoing.

Now I can name a list of films, stories , and conspicuous cartoons that have tried, and miserably failed to resurface the extravagant master piece that graces the name Ratatoing, but that would only make Ratatoing look a whole-of-a-hell-lot better, so much better that simple text could not withhold.

I wish you could hear my voice right now as I recite this review out-loud to my cats.I wish you could hear my voice tremble and break as it gets higher, and higher with every octane of joy that excretes from my mouth.People are trying to restrain me as I type, mistaking my overwhelming urge to spontaneously combust, yes combust into pure energy that would flow into the feeble minded, and make them realize that they have not yet experienced life until they witness that which withholds the name "Toing".

Can I say I have fully witnessed this gracious Brazilian Godsend to the fullest.The answer is no. I have yet to finish the trailer posted on Youtube, do to the fact I rapidly hyper-ventilate when the audio-visual of Ratatoing embeds itself so haplessly into my face.

The only question remains to you, the reader who I have reluctantly with-held the overpowering experience of Ratatoing to, would I recommend this movie? I would not, due to the shambles this film has left me in since it first graced my eyes. Do not witness this false Arc of the covenant, for it is already well said in Raiders of the lost Arc, that it will friggin' melt your face. I must fare thee a good fare-well due to the fact the Insane asylum wards men will any second realize I have escaped my cell, and have broken into a random home to tell the world of that which drove me mad...
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