Review of Corked

Corked (2009)
Corked has the wine business pegged
1 August 2008
We saw Corked last night at a preview featuring the writers/directors and producer. The writers grew up in the Sonoma wine business so they had the feel and the resources to put this film together. There were obvious send-ups of local wine makers and wine geeks. The film is a "mockumentary" focusing on four wineries vieing for the "Golden Cluster" award. The wineries are as diverse as can be; the one-man show, the owner as vineyard manager, wine maker, marketing, etc, the snobby winery preferring to sell wine only to those who deserve it, the winery coming under the control of a spoiled, clueless, rich kid, and an LA based winery comprised of two marketing guys who have never visited a vineyard. The production was tight without much wasted energy, though I felt the scenes with the local sheriff could have been cut, not that they weren't well done, but I don't feel they added to the story (though the actress that played the sheriff was the producer's aunt which may have had a bearing on keeping these scenes). Overall, the film was enjoyable, with many laugh out loud scenes and it captured the true feel of the local wine making scene. It played to a packed house, full of locals and wine people that displayed obvious pleasure at seeing the true wine business captured on film.
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