Voyage to the moon no accident.
1 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Dirk Green(Michael Whalen)wants to keep the spaceship he built to himself without any interference from the government. When he finds a couple of escaped convicts hiding in the craft, he forces Lon(Gary Clarke)and Gene(Tommy Cook)to become his crew and it is all systems go. The missile is launched and found aboard are Dirk's science technician and partner Steve(Richard Travis)and his fiancée June(Cathy Down). Before the ship even lands on the moon, Dirk is accidentally killed and nobody else knows that he is actually a previous inhabitant of the moon trying to get back. The adventurers land on the moon and find a dying civilization of beautiful women under the rule of The Lido(K.T. Stevens). There are also some "rock monsters" that look like man-size stone Gumbies. Thus this low budget affair has very primitive special effects and is no showcase for recognizable acting abilities.
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