Worst movie I've EVER seen! Heres why. "Includes funny quotes."
30 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Are you kidding? This movie was so much worst than starship troopers 2. 2 was actually watchable. The acting was bad, but the story in the third was ridiculous!

"I've got religion. I've got it bad?"

"They say boys don't give good H.E.D, but I do."

"I can see why your mother called you slug."

I can live with the low budget cgi, but c'mon! It was far to religious! Penis jokes? And some parts were just plain weird. The dialog is embarrassing, and can i say again; FAR TOO RELIGIOUS!! I was about to shoot that blonde bitch myself.

There character relationships were hollow. And the ending was the worst part. Its so religious that for a second i began to question whether it was making fun of Christianity. In the end the military is clearly a theocracy and they're executing all who oppose them, as well as killing the right to freedom of speech. As accurate as that interpretation may be, I certainly don't want to sit through that cow reverting to prayer every time she trips.

Worst movie I've ever seen! EVER! I'm not even exaggerating.

I am angered that someone turned a decent concept, Starship Troopers, and turned it into a bible lesson.

And by the way: "So what have we learned? God is real!" So convincing. Kind of reminds me of one of those closet cases who wants everyone to know they're straight, when secretly they know they aren't. They're just in denial.
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