Back at the Barnyard (2007–2011)
Difference between "boy and girl" livestock
26 July 2008
I have an 8 yr old son whose TV viewing I monitor closely. I had never seen the movie version of "Back at the Barnyard", but having grown up on a Dairy Farm in WI, I thought the premise was cute and could see no harm in watching an episode with him, figuring it would be fine for him to watch.

I agree that the subject matter tends to be fine and the cartoon is harmless for him to watch, but I can't get past the fact that Otis has a male voice and female parts!!!!! Does nobody realize or care that steers &/or bulls (boys) DO NOT have udders?!!!!!! Cows (girls) have udders.

I realize that as a cartoon for kids this doesn't matter much, but it just irks me that we have become such a lazy viewing audience that we don't hold the creators of this cartoon to a little higher standards. Are we teaching our kids to be sloppy by not requiring minor things like the difference between boys and girls to be portrayed correctly?
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