The long and winding Road....Warrior
25 July 2008
This is my favorite post-apocalypse movie ever made. This portrays a world so bleak that people wander the deserts looking for gasoline to power their vehicles to wander the deserts to look for gasoline to power their vehicles....you get the idea.

Symbolic of this world plight is the life of our main character Max. Following the events of the first film his life consists of wandering the deserts with no destination ahead of him. How can a world be so aimless and bleak? That is what The Road Warrior is about.

Despite the hopelessness, there are still people who live for more than wandering. Max has an attack of conscience as to whether to defend those who wish to live for more or fend for himself. This is a real dilemma of life.

Sadly, this movie is known mostly for Mel Gibson and it's highly realistic action scenes. There is more to this film, as any good science fiction film is. It's about ideas. Thank goodness someone had the idea to make The Road Warrior.
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