Children of Men
25 July 2008
Children of Men is a simple enough idea: what would happen if humans were unable to procreate? Yet from this idea, Alfonso Cuaron builds a world dominated by potentially real crisis. No other science fiction film I has done so in such convincing fashion. It's less science than it is fiction and that's where the beauty comes. This is not a science fiction movie of flying spaceships or laser beams. This is a science fiction movie about ideas, and ideas are always the most powerful.

The set designs are superb because they look like the landscapes we inhabit today, just more decrepit to reflect the decline of the society around them. Think World War II, but modern day.

The editing is brilliant because it is so patient. There are two long takes that will make you smile. Also, pay attention to some nifty camera-work in a few scenes.

On top of that, this movie has a great story. The relationships, the ideas, the social commentary; they're all there. Everything you could want from a great story.
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