I'm gonna tell them it was all your idea...
24 July 2008
Great film. I had to see it twice, in one day, to verify it was actually as good as the public opinion believed. I've never believed public opinion is accurate when it comes to movies. If it grosses this much or how many people say something is great doesn't matter to me.

Sadly, I felt this film has been a product of tragedy. I remember finding out Heath Ledger was going to play Joker and thinking, "He's perfect." Yet public consensus was negative. That was a mistake. So I was very conflicted when the public praised him for his work. I found it unfair to him that many people wanted to see this movie because he was dead. Granted, I haven't talked to everyone who has seen the movie and did not originally like him as the choice, but you should get the idea...He did as good a job as any actor alive could have done, and I'm proud he proved the public wrong about him. It was his Don Corleone. It was heartbreaking, creepy, and fitting that his best, and darkest, work was his last.

Regardless, Christopher Nolan is the best director working today. This is on par with The Prestige and Memento(other superb films he directed) in it's ability to tell a complicated, compelling, and memorable story seemingly without trying. The atmosphere was amazing. The cinematography was amazing. The editing and the camera-work are amazing. The characters were amazing. The only thing that was not amazing was the stunt work...which was phenomenal. This is some of the most unique action you'll ever see. As much as I'm annoyed by people who say things like, "That was sick." after something happens, I somewhat had no other adjective to describe what was happening but that way.

The Dark Knight did things that had not been done before in the genre. I don't just mean the comic book genre. This is a movie that is so good being a comic book adaptation it branches over and stands up as it's own. If Batman Begins had not been made, it would still be amazing. If Batman himself had not been invented it would still be amazing. In that sense it's as original a movie can be without being based on something.

See this movie. If it's the one movie you see this year, make it that way.
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