Lots of missed potential
23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Over the years, I've come to like the 3D format, even though every film I've seen falls into a trap of "cheeseball" 3D tricks. Having seen IMAX Polar Express 3D a couple of years ago, it seemed like the format was finally beginning to mature.

I had high hopes for Journey based upon the trailers that I had seen - finally a real adventure movie with legitimate acting talent shot in 3D. Could it be a 3D movie that would finally exploit the format without going for the cheap "poke something into your face" tricks? Sadly, Not this time.

From the first scene, it was obvious that the cheese was still there - Trilobyte Antennae sticking out of the screen --- Toothpaste spit splattered on the screen - and it kept up throughout the movie. I guess its fun for the preteens in the audience (I heard a lot of giggles and Eeeeew's behind me), but It left me wanting a real movie that used 3D instead of yet another 3D trickfest.

There was potential in the plot line, but at least for me it was lost in the 3D trickery. Its too bad Chart didn't stay on as Director and make a true 3D adventure. I never quite got to the point of caring about any of the characters and after about an hour found myself bored.

If you are looking for a fun movie that you can take your kids to, munch on popcorn and have a few laughs, its not a bad option, but there are much better movies in the genre that have come out this summer.
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