Reasonably well done--but not particularly interesting
23 July 2008
This was included on the disk "Shorts: Volume 2"--a rather dull collection of short films. Shorts are among my favorite style of films but somehow the people assembling this second collection had a hard time finding quality content--and it wasn't nearly as good as the first volume or other shorts collections. This particular short film is one of the better ones in it.

Unlike most reviewers, I am very acquainted with the films of Rudolph Valentino and know exactly who H. L. Mencken was, so I understood the context for the film. Apparently, just before his death, the two men met at Valentino's insistence. Valentino had been angry about some newspaper reports that depicted him as being less than manly--though he was also considered by most women to be the most desirable man in the world. Their conversation about life, fame, masculinity and newspapers is the subject of this short.

Even though I am aware of the characters, I still didn't particularly care about the film one way or the other. The lead didn't look that much like Valentino to me and the whole thing was so cerebral and underplayed that it didn't spark my interest. Perhaps you'll enjoy it more.
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