Picture This (2008 TV Movie)
So Contrived
23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so contrived. All of the characters were stereotypes and the gross product placement was overbearing. There was nothing interesting about Drew's character and it really seemed like the only reason she liked him was because he was cute and popular. They hinted at depth with the photography, but it was never explored and she didn't know he did it until much later in the movie. The girlfriend was the stereotypical popular mean girl and Drew was extremely quick to say he didn't really like her and date someone who was supposedly unpopular (Mandy). But of course, take of the glasses, give her contacts, a nice dress, and a popular phone and all of a sudden she gets noticed. She's All That already did this and did it better. Mandy's relationship with her father was really strange. My father was very overprotective growing up, but this relationship was too extreme. The plot itself was unrealistic. Aside from the phone tag, going into battle of the bands to make money in order to pay a tow company to get a car back, and dressing up like cleaning staff to sneak into a gated community, I was hoping that Mandy would eventually realize that she didn't need some guy that she barely knew to feel better about herself, and she never did. The ending was rushed and there was no clearing of the air between them.
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