Going to Extremes (1992–1993)
Great show... needed a better chance
22 July 2008
This is another show that the TV execs probably canceled because it didn't blast it's way to No. 1 within the first 5 minutes.

The show had potential. The setting was there and they had the talent, all they needed to do was give the writers some control and let the show grow.

Face facts, MASH ran what seems like forever. You didn't have to see a bloody chest being opened up to realize the drama of what was happening. ER came along and showed us that you can change the cast every few years and people will stay hooked. Scrubs shows us that you can be super silly while in the walls of a hospital.

WHY was this show canceled? Was it location? Was it a budge constraint? I would have watched and yes, recorded it on my VCR if it had stayed around.

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