Yes: 9012 Live (1985 Video)
10/10 for performance 0/10 for the totally stupid old movie clips.
18 July 2008
This is a great performance by this incarnation of Yes. Although I was disappointed by the abbreviated version of "The Fish." However, the old movie clips interspersed throughout were totally stupid and random. Unless there is some connection between Yes, 90125 and these old movies that I don't know about, all they did was detract from the songs. I suspect Soderbergh used them because they were public domain, but in reality, they were public so lame! I couldn't believe that during Rabin's monumental solo near the end they were putting these inane clips of a lady ironing. I really wish they would put out a just the music version of 9012Live so we wouldn't have to sit through the rest of the garbage!
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