Ratatoing (2007 Video)
Studies have proved eating at Ratatoing causes cancer!
16 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ratatoing is a horrendous and impetuous crap-sterpiece created by the Brazillian studio "Video Brinquedo" they are evil people who have a disturbing need to produce awful movies that are blatantly based off popular movies in this case it is "Ratatoulle" these folks definitely deserve life-long incarceration! The movie is about a Rat Chef christened "Marcel Toing" who owns the restaurant Ratatoing he owns one of the bestest restaurants in the world and many other chefs attempt to compete but PHAIL! He uses the freshest ingredients which are stolen from human restaurants.

The bad guys who are part of rival restaurant make up a sneaky plan to get rid of Ratatoing by making a big mess in the humans restaurants causing them to set up traps and even worse: Powlo "Gumbo" Smith the cat. When Marcel and his friends attempt to raid the kitchen they get attacked by the cat and stuff happens. I missed some parts because: A)My mom told me to try on some new shoes she bought for me B) I had to use the bathroom C) I got thirsty.

So once I returned Marcel had made friends with the Gumbo the Cat and all was right with the world and the bad guys were sent to a laboratory in the Nth dimension or something were they would never bother the movie again. I don't care see!? The plot seemed mildly decent at first but was soon ravaged and cut down to little rat sized bits, and I felt that for some reason having to watch this movie was God's idea of punishing me for burning down that orphanage

The voice acting is downright awful I actually needed to listen to Yoko Ono just to get the sound out of my head, the dialog is uninspired and overly-generic they make they same comments about the food OVER AND OVER! "Great food Marcel Toing!" The actors always sound monotone or outright retarded Example: "CAN i TAKE yOur ORder!??"

The characters are even worse! They have no personality it's like they work for Wal-Mart or something. Marcel Toing SAYS he put "Dedication and Care" into his food but when I saw him cooking he just stood there with that soulless expression stirring his life away. My favorite character is that retarded so called "cat" it looked more like a catatonic-furry having a seizure.

The Animation is even WORSE, during the scene where Marcel,Carol and Greg put on their gear Greg and for the damndest reason somehow magically pulls cheese blocks out of his crotch! When the camera did a full circle around him he was never seen holding cheese until he pulled them out of....ugh. I was greatly disturbed. And the copyright in this movie is absolutely blatant nevermind it being a Ratatoille rip-off why does Greg but on a Mickey-Mouse hat? Do these guys have some disturbing desire to get sued ,sent to jail and rammed nightly by a convict named "Bubba"? The answer is a rather obvious "YES!" as Ratatoing is a danger to society and the environment!

And finally: I was absolutely overjoyed to see the movie end ,watching it felt like I was being brutally bludgeoned over the head with a "Toing" I advise you to stay away from this movie for your safety and your unborn children!

~Pankey(and Jamal)
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